Variety of S1 degree in Indonesia

A bachelor’s degree is an academic degree awarded by a college to someone who has successfully completed higher education at the Strata-1 (S1) level or a bachelor’s degree in a particular field.

To obtain a bachelor’s degree, a person must take a four-year course and a maximum of seven years. However, there are also those who can complete it within 3.5 years.

Later, students who have been declared graduated during their studies will get a degree. The writing of this degree is written behind the name of the program graduate with the letter S. then followed the initials in the family of Science and technology or the initials of the name of the study program.

The use of a bachelor’s degree in Indonesia is regulated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) with the intention that the meaning of the abbreviation Bachelor’s degree is adjusted to the field of study that has been pursued by bachelor graduates. Here are some list of Bachelor (S1) in Indonesia:
Scholars Of Religion S.Ag.)
Bachelor Of Economics (S.E.)
Bachelor Of Accounting (S.A.)
Bachelor Of Management (S.M.)
Master Of Islamic Economics (S.EI.)
Bachelor Of Law (S.H.)
Bachelor Of Social Sciences (S.Sos.)
Bachelor Of Political Science (S.IP)
Bachelor Of Communication Science (S.I.Kom.)
Bachelor Of Humanities (S.Hum)
Bachelor Of International Relations (S.Hub.Int.)
Bachelor Of Public Administration (S.A.P.)
Master Of Anthropology (S.Ant.)
Bachelor of Information and Library Sciences (S.IIP.)
Bachelor Of Statistics (S.Stat)
Bachelor Of Medicine (S.Ked.)
Bachelor of Dentistry (S.KG)
Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (S.KH)
Bachelor Of Midwifery (S.Keb.)
Bachelor Of Nursing (S.Kep.)
Bachelor Of Nutrition (S.Gz.)
Bachelor Of Pharmacy (S.Farm.)
Bachelor Of Public Health (S.K.M)
Master Of Computer Science (S.Kom.)
Master Of Education (S.Pd.)
Master Of Fisheries (S.Pi.)
Bachelor Of Agriculture (S.P.)
Bachelor Of Forestry (S.Hut.)
Bachelor Of Animal Husbandry S.Pt.)
Master Of Psychology (S.Psi.)
Bachelor Of Actuarial (S.Actress.)
Bachelor Of Arts (S.S.)
Bachelor Of Philosophy (S.Fil.)
The Master Of Science S.Si.)
The Master Of Linguistics S.Li.)
Bachelor Of Arts S.Sn.)
Bachelor Of Architecture (S.Ars.)
Master Of Engineering (S.T.)
The Bachelor of Agricultural Technology S.TP).
It should be noted, that the number of universities in Indonesia, the naming of a bachelor’s degree may be different. The establishment of Bachelor’s degrees in different courses depends on the policies of each institution.

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