Realize Internet Network Booster assistance in Kotim

Team Webmaster :  The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (Kemenkominfo) began to realize assistance to strengthen the internet network in East Kotawaringin Regency (Kotim), Central Kalimantan in 2024 and can immediately be enjoyed by the public for free.

Regent Kotim Halikinnor in Sampit, Thursday, said this assistance was very effective in helping the community because there were still blank spots and weak signals.

“With this VSAT, we can immediately complete it because it is much cheaper than building a telecommunications tower or tower,” he said.

Halikinnor, accompanied by Vice Regent Irawati and head of communication and Information Service (Diskominfo) Kotawaringin Timur Marjuki, inaugurated the start of the realization of assistance to strengthen the internet network 2024.

The inaugural inauguration was held at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Darussalam in Kota Besi District. This assistance is welcomed enthusiastically by the school and students because it can be directly used so it is very helpful.

Internet network reinforcement assistance utilizing very small aperture terminal (VSAT) devices. VSAT is a small satellite dish that uses satellites for its communication lines so that it can be used in remote locations.

In 2024, Kotawaringin Timur will get this assistance for 31 locations. This assistance comes from the Ministry of communication and information whose program is run by the Telecommunications and Information Accessibility Agency (Bakti).

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“I ask that we accommodate similar proposals, then we propose and fight at the center. It is so effective because it is more affordable and practical. Hopefully this will have a big impact on the service to our community, ” said Halikinnor.

Head of Diskominfo Kotawaringin Timur Marjuki said of the 31 locations that received assistance, as many as 30 locations were in education units or schools, while one other location was a police office in an area far from the city center.

“We continue to also propose for the health, security and other sectors. In the village office can also be proposed this free internet assistance. Hopefully by 2025 all areas in East Kotawaringin will be reached by the internet network,” said Marjuki.

The range of this internet network is about 150 to 200 meters. But this is certainly enough to serve its users agencies such as schools, police stations, health service centers, village offices and others.

“Currently there are 20 new proposals from the village. We convey this to Bakti, later those who conduct reviews in the field. If deemed eligible, it will be immediately approved,” said Marjuki.

Head of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Darussalam District of Kota Besi, Zakaria admitted that he was very grateful that his school received the assistance. This assistance is very useful because it is needed for the continuity of learning and teaching.

“As for ANBK (Computer-Based National Assessment), our students have to ride to other schools that already have internet. With this assistance, alhamdulillah later our students will no longer need to ride to another school. Likewise for other activities, the internet is very necessary, ” he said.

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